Tuesday, October 5, 2010

To Cynthia a friend

To Cynthia at Kuro-Kuro.org:

Many of these discussions trouble me deeply. Religion is a choice, and a privilege, a Gift from God, even though we as human creatures abuse or boast about our religious convictions. As this battle has raged, I have gone through periods of reflection. While I was raised Baptist, as an adult I made adjustments to my belief system that allows the inclusion of all religions if they meet certain standards.

My basic philosophy is that the religious values taught by Jesus Christ are the best, but they can easily be improved upon or shaped by taking examples from others like His Holiness the Dali Lama, Mahatma Gandhi, and Mother Teresa. While I’m sure there are many others, these are my idols.

The inclusion of the Roman Catholic Church in these battles and discussions, disturb me greatly. My mind has been drawn back to my study of prophesy and readings in even fiction like the “Left Behind” series of books. So easily this could turn into something that not one of us wants to experience and it scares me to death.

Sleepless nights and little nourishment has caused me to step back a minute and to review History, review the very nature of the problems this country is facing. I’ll be spending today writing a new article, rather lengthy, and I may not involve myself in discussions much today.

My feelings have been hurt badly over the revelation of the Provincial Bishops failure to set the proper examples in this community. But I am not too righteous a man that I cannot forgive him while still hating his actions. 

You my friend are one of those special voices in these discussions; my heart goes with you as you continue the battle. Keep up your strength, but moderate that strength with compassion and understanding. I’ll be back as soon as I can, because I do feel that these issues are so very important. Good luck today and God Bless.


  1. Can I post this link in my website? heliumasia.com?

  2. Yes Cynthia, you can post anything in this blog anywhere. I stand by everything I've written, even though most of it is from the loving hands of my Savior. This endeavor is my free offer to the world. No Charge, will not ask for, nor will I accept anything for this work.


Please feel free to express any opinions about our businesses here or the way we deal with our neighbors. We will try our best to respond to all who make comments if you include an email address.

We are trying our best to support our community in every way we can. Sometimes we face struggles, which interferes with our timetable, but we can only do so much. Please be patient with us, we are doing the best we can.